Recordings from previous Masterclass Webinars
Most webinars are recorded and hosted below, however, there are some that can not be recorded due to licensed funding reasons.
If you have any questions about the Masterclass Webinars, or have any suggestions for a future webinar topic, please contact us at info@livelongerbetteirnherts.co.uk
Reducing the risk of falls, frailty and dementia webinar
Monday 17th February 2025, 11:00am- 12:00pm
This webinar was an opportunity to:
- explore the factors that can increase an individual's risk of falling and importantly, evidence-based ways to minimise that risk.
- look at the characteristics of frailty and how the effects of frailty can be slowed down and even reversed through movement.
- understand what happens to our brain and mind as we live longer and share what we can do to maintain and increase our 'Brainability', to reduce the risk of dementia.
Getting active with hypertension
Monday 14th October 2024, 11:00am-12:00pm
This masterclass was an opportunity to:
- Explain what hypertension is
- Explore how exercise can benefit hypertension
- Discuss some of the medications that are taken for hypertension and the implications of these on exercise.
Empowering the residents of Hertfordshire to Live Longer Better
Tuesday 1st October 2024, 10:00am-11:00am
This masterclass was an opportunity to:
- Celebrate the international day of Older Adults
- Launch Age Friendly
- Recognise ways we can all be working together to promote better health, wellbeing and inclusion into our later years.
Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership online webinar- Embrace the change: Menopause made easier
Friday 27th October 2024, 12:30pm-14:00pm
This webinar was an opportunity to:
- navigate the physical and emotional changes that come with menopause
- support someone who has started their menopause
- provide valuable insights and practical tips to make this transition smoother
Getting Active with long term health conditions
Tuesday 17th September 2024, 2:00pm-3:00pm
This session was in partnership with the national We are Undefeatable campaign where Peter Dutton, Activation Manager for We are Undefeatable shared the Big Talk and Millions More Moving reports, which outlined ways to be active with long term health conditions and explored the main barriers to being active and what steps we could take, as the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire network, to overcome these barriers.
Inclusive Communities: Empowering Ageing and Dementia-Friendly Initiatives
Thursday 6th June 10:00am - 11:00am
The masterclass was an opportunity to:
Discover practical steps for creating inclusive communities for older adults and those living with dementia
Explore the importance of enabling older adults and those living with dementia to connect with the outdoors for health and wellbeing.
Find out about the Hertfordshire Dementia Friendly Scheme and plans for Hertfordshire's Age-Friendly Communities'
Parish, Town and Community Councils' Conference
Friday 26th April 10:00am - 13:00pm
Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) held its bi-annual virtual conference for Parish, Town and Communities Councils. This year focused on the important role of those local councils in improving the quality of life for Hertfordshire's older adults with a focus on Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire's mission priorities to increase physical activity levels, prevent falls and reduce the risk and effects of long term health conditions.
Watch the recording to hear from:
Professor Sir Muir Gray, knighted for his services to the NHS and national leader on the Live Longer Better Revolution.
Annie Holden, Strategic Lead for Health at the National Active Partnerships.
Annie Brewster, Hertfordshire's High Sheriff
Richard Sutcliffe, director of Funding4Sport.
Long Covid and Physical Activity Rehabilitation Webinar
Tuesday 9th April 12:00pm - 13:15pm
This recorded webinar was for those wanting to know more about the key learnings from the Long Covid and Physical Activity Feasibility Project, funded by Hertfordshire County Council. NHS Trust, Long Covid Rehabilitation Service also shared information about their 8-week physical activity programme and discussed what, and how, physical activity can be safely introduced to benefit people living with Long Covid.
East of England Mental Health in Sport & Physical Activity Virtual Conference 2024
Wednesday 27th March 9:30-13:00
This webinar brought to life Mind's Mental Health and Physical Activity Toolkit, with a particular focus on three areas of the toolkit:
- Involving people with lived experience of mental health problems in the design and delivery of your work.
- Making physical activities inclusive to people experiencing mental health problems
- Engaging people in physical activity to support their mental health.
As well as gaining an insight to Mind's toolkit, attendees also learnt how being physically active can benefit someone's mental health but also how opportunities can be delivered in order to be inclusive to those living with poor mental health.
Moving More Activity Finder - Adding sessions to the Finder
Friday 29th February 2024 10:00-11:30am
This recorded webinar gave session providers, organisations, and individuals an understanding on how to promote their sessions on Moving More. The webinar explained what Open Data is and how it can be utilised to share activities to Moving More; simplifying the process for those currently unsure as to what is involved. The session covered no matter the size of your organisation you can utilise Moving More to gain free marketing, helping advertise sessions to more potential participants!
For this webinar the Moving More Team were joined by Open Data specialists, as well as London Sport, the organisation behind 'Open Sessions', an online platform allowing anyone to make share their sessions using Open Data.
Moving More Activity Finder - Using the Finder
Tuesday 27th February 2024 10:00-11:30am
This recorded webinar was for those that were interested in learning more about using the Moving More Activity Finder, to discover local physical activity sessions. The webinar demonstrated how the Activity Finder works, how to use the tool to find appropriate activities and explained why Moving More is becoming the go to place to find activities in Hertfordshire.
Falling for Judo - using Judo techniques to reduce risk of injury from falling
Tuesday 30th January, 10:00-11:30am
In this webinar you will discover:
- How Judo techniques will reduce risk of injury
- Details of the global first 'Finding your feet' coach education course taking place in Herts
- Local opportunities to get involved
With 24,000 falls and 68 deaths globally per hour, falling more safely is of paramount importance not only for older adults wellbeing but to reduce the burden on health and social care. Join the Revolution to help people Live Longer Better!
Getting Active in... Hertsmere and Watford
Thursday 18th January, 10:30-11:30am
This zoom shared local opportunities to stay active in later years! Staying steady, strong, supple & social.
This is recommended for professionals supporting older adults in Hertsmere and Watford, as well as, those who are residents and want to find something to attend.
Getting Active with Osteoporosis webinar
Monday 20th November 10-11am
This webinar, in partnership with Study Active, focussed on the considerations for physical activity around osteoporosis.
We discussed: The prevalence, the main causes, the most common fracture sites, osteopenia and Exercise Do's and Dont's.
This is an important topic as osteoporosis affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50. With the right knowledge, we can reduce the risk of injury.
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire induction workshop
Tuesday 17th October, 10-11am
With the older adult population set to increase significantly, alongside an estimated 68% of people over 65 years old living with multiple health conditions, levels of inactivity are predicted to rise. This workshop shared ways your organisation can support people to Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire which includes accessing the funded Champions training and funded bid writing services, providing an opportunity to broaden your offer to older adults through Active Ageing projects.
Getting Active in... North Herts and Stevenage
Wednesday 13th September, 10:30-11:30
This Zoom meeting shared local opportunities to stay active in later years in Stevenage and North Herts! Staying steady, strong, supple & social.
Watch the recording if you would like to discover something new to try or to signpost individuals you support.
Details of all the sessions shared can be found on Hertfordshire's Activity Finder, movingmore.co.uk.
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Celebration Day
Thursday 7th September.
You can download slide presentations from the talks presented at the Celebration Day
Opening Address - The Hertfordshire Picture and Dispelling Myths about Ageing: Professor Sir Muir Gray, national lead of the Live Longer Better Revolution, shared the mission of Live Longer Better. Professor Jim McManus, Director of Public Health for Hertfordshire, painted the picture for Hertfordshire and shared the priorities across the county that support ageing well.
Judo for Safer Falling and Ageing Well – Associate Professor Mike Callan: Dr Callan presented the principles of introducing judo-based safe falling practices to older people. He explained the impact on the reduction of fear of falling and the three principles underpinning the mechanics of ukemi (judo breakfalls).
Dementia Friendly Information Session for Sports and Physical Activity – The Alzheimer's Society shared what it means to be a Dementia Friend and provided a greater understanding of what it means to live with dementia.
Functional Ways to Improve Balance – John Molyneux: Explained the three systems in the body that impact balance. The talk increased individual's confidence and knowledge of ways to improve your balance and maintain independence.
We Are Undefeatable – Long Term Health Conditions and Physical Activity – Michelle Roberts: Michelle has supported the launch of We Are Undefeatable physical activity behaviour change campaign, and this informative talk provided guidance to help people with long term health conditions to move more, in a way that works for them.
Strategies to motivate inactive older adults
Thursday 17th August, 10-11am
In this Masterclass Webinar, Study Active shared strategies and tools to support the motivation of inactive older adults and improve adherence to exercise programmes.
You can view the recording and download the slides through the links on this page.
Getting Active in... Welwyn, Hatfield and St. Albans
Wednesday 28th June, 10:30-11:30 on Zoom
This zoom meeting shared details of over 40 Active Ageing opportunities across Welwyn, Hatfield and St. Albans. Watch the recording if you would like to discover something new to try or to signpost individuals you support.
Details of all the sessions shared can be found on Hertfordshire's Activity Finder, movingmore.co.uk.
Getting Active in... Three Rivers and Dacorum
Thursday 27th April, 10:30-11:30 on Zoom
meeting was aimed at residents of Three Rivers and Dacorum, as well as
professionals and volunteers who are supporting and/or signposting older
adults in those areas.
Watch the recording to discover local opportunities to stay active in later years! Staying steady, strong, supple & social.
Details of all the sessions shared can be found on Hertfordshire's Activity Finder, movingmore.co.uk.
Happy ageing starts with a healthy brain - Dementia Prevention UK
Tuesday 25th April, 10am-11am.
Watch this talk hosted by Michelle Reshef, the founder of Dementia Prevention UK. In this hour-long session, we explored the 5 pillars of brain health and how they contribute to happiness and healthy ageing.
The aim of the talk was to learn about practical tips and ideas to keep a healthy and stimulated brain, and to discuss ways to lower your risk of developing dementia. The talk was informative and interactive, time was allowed for questions and discussions.
Please see recording and slides.
East of England Mental Health in Sport and Physical Activity Conference
Wednesday 29th March, 9:30am-1pm.
Herts Sports & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) hosted a Mental Health in Sport and Physical Activity conference at the Fielder Centre in Hatfield. The conference ran as a hybrid event; which offered the opportunity to either attend online or in person. This event was free to attend with lunch included and was open to partners from across the East Region.
The aim of the event was to provide learning and networking opportunities, for attendees to learn why being physically active can benefit someone's mental health, and for attendees to gain an understanding of how opportunities can be delivered in order to be inclusive to those living with poor mental health.
Please find the recording of the conference and the attached slides.
Getting Active in East Herts & Broxbourne
Monday 20th March, 2-3:30pm.
Watch this online meeting, to discover local clubs, classes and opportunities suitable and accessible to older adults in East Herts and Broxbourne.
Use www.movingmore.co.uk to find classes local to you.
Launch of We Are Undefeatable in Hertfordshire
Herts Sports Partnership has successfully launched We are Undefeatable in Hertfordshire campaign. The virtual conference day, on Friday 10th March, included 7 webinars and saw over 360 attendances across the day.
Feedback from the event indicates the conference gave people more confidence in ways to support people to get active whilst living with Long-Term Health Conditions.
The specific health conditions covered were arthritis, diabetes, dementia, Parkinson's disease and mental health conditions.
We have a dedicated webpage www.sportinherts.org.uk/lthc which will be hosting the recordings from the conference day and providing links to condition specific resources.
Reducing your risk of
dementia, falls and frailty.
Wednesday 7th December, 10:00-11:30
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass with Sir Muir Gray
In this webinar Sir Muir Gray joined us to discuss the importance of activity to reduce risk of dementia, falls and frailty. This links to the recently launched Brainability programme. Watch this webinar to understand what is happening to our brain and mind as we live longer and learn what we can do to maintain and increase our Brainability and reduce our risk of dementia. We explored some factors that can increase an individual's risk of falling, frailty and dementia.
Active Ageing funding.
Thursday 1st December 2022, 10:00-11:30
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinar
Watch this webinar for details of the professional bid writing service and the different funding opportunities available and how you can engage.
In this webinar we heard from organisations linked to the revolution who have taken advantage of our specialist bid writing service to develop new active ageing project offers. To date, this offer has secured 13 successful applications drawing over £120,000 of national funding to run projects encouraging older adults in Hertfordshire to be more physically active with a number of applications still pending approval.
Register your interest for funding here
Championing Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinar
Thursday 24th November 2022
In this webinar, we covered:
- The Live Longer Better mission and culture.
- Reflected on the Revolution's objectives.
- Heard from Mark Hanna, AgeUK Hertfordshire and Adam Howard, Forever Cycling who shared examples of their respective Active Ageing projects.
- Launched the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Champion programme, a free learning opportunity for those who would like to advocate the LLB Revolution by starting conversations at all levels.
Join us for some information and ideas about how to incorporate the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire mission and culture into your organisation and wider communities.
We Are Undefeatable - Being active with long term health conditions
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinar
Tuesday 14 June 2022
This event was a little different as we partnered with our colleagues running the This Girl Can in Herts campaign to
deliver a webinar focussed on the We Are Undefeatable campaign detailing the importance of physical activity for those living with long term health conditions.
We Are Undefeatable is a movement
supporting people with a range of long-term health conditions, developed by 15
leading health and social care charities and backed by expertise, insight and
significant National Lottery funding from Sport England. The campaign's purpose
is to support and encourage those living with long-term health conditions to
find ways to be active that suits them.
This webinar was hosted by Gail Curry from
the Richmond Group of Charities (the group of health and care charities whose
partnership started the campaign). Gail gives detail to the background
of the campaign and share information how you can get involved, as a
professional, a group or an individual.
Whilst the webinar has a general focus on women and girls, the content will be appropriate to generalise to all people living with long term health conditions and is open to everyone.
It's Never Too Late to be Active
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinar
Thursday 14 April 2022
Delivered by Claudette Rhiney, Health Improvement Coordinator for Lifestyle within Hertfordshire Public Health, this webinar looked ahead ahead to the It's Never too Late to be Active campaign ahead of it's launch in May 2022.
The campaign aims to encourage and support inactive older adults, aged 55+, to become more physically active, in line with national physical activity guidelines. In particular the campaign will target individuals within this demographic having experienced significant physical deconditioning effects of COVID-19 as well as the associated lockdowns and restrictions.
It is a social media physical activity campaign, underpinned by physiological and behaviour change principles and this webinar will delve deeper into the rationale for its development, the insights informing it and behaviour change techniques that it is utilising.
Falls Prevention with HCPA StopFalls
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinar
Friday 22 October 2021
Our second masterclass webinar was led by Verity Forbes from Hertfordshire's Care Providers Association StopFalls Service.

As we emerge further from the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions the importance of protecting our older adults from the dangers of falls is greater than ever. Within this webinar Verity discussed the theory that sits behind falls prevention, the importance of physical activity (along with some examples of good practice) and details some of the resources that are available to everyone in Hertfordshire to help protect against the dangers of falls.
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire with Sir Muir Gray
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinar
Thursday 24 June 2021

The movement's first Masterclass Webinar was led by founder of the national Live Longer Better movement, Sir Muir Gray. Knighted for his services to the NHS and 50 years into a mission of helping people to age well, Muir was the perfect candidate to lead the first event.
Within his presentation Muir delves deeper into into the theory that underpins the national Live Longer Better movement and reflects on what we can all be doing as a network to improve the state of ageing on a local level.
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Launch Event
Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Launch Webinar
Wednesday 14 April 2021
The revolution has begun! It was great to see such a good turn out to the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Launch Event with over 100 attendees throughout representing a multitude of organisations and communities across the county. Within the exit survey 98% of attendees suggested they would like to stay part of the network - a great sign of things to come!
Guest presentations included:
- Viva la Revolution (Sir Muir Gray)
- Frailty and Falls (Anna Makepeace - Hertfordshire County Council)
- The State of Ageing in 2020 (Jess Kuehne - Centre for Ageing Better)
- The impact of Covid-19 on our older adults (Mark Hana - Age UK Hertfordshire)
- Physical Activity and Social Connectivity in Older Adults Living with Dementia (Prof Elizabeth Pike)
- It's Never Too Late to Get Active (Katherine Marwood & Jade Amis - Hertfordshire Independent Living Service)
- Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire - Next Steps
Upcoming Masterclass Webinars
Below you can see the details for the next Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinars. Updates for each event, as well as other relevant news, will be sent through the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire mailing list. If you are not a member of the mailing list yet you can sign up here.
If you have any questions regarding the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinars please contact us on info@livelongerbetterinherts.co.uk