ENLIVEN Project - Helping people Live Longer Better: Harnessing the potential of the outdoors.
This document has been developed by Stephen Page, Joanne Connell and Linda Clare and accompanies the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire webinar based on Inclusive Communities which can be found HERE. The document introduces the thinking behind becoming more age- and dementia-inclusive. It seeks to outline some practical tips for people living with dementia, their carers and organisations in accessing the outdoors. The outdoors offers a route to physical activity and enhanced well-being.
The document also explains why getting outdoors is important for older people and how this potential can be harnessed in everyday leisure time. The document outlines a series of simple steps and ideas which can be put into practice in helping older people access the outdoors. To do this it draws upon research on ageing and age-friendly practices in the UK and recent research project – ENLIVEN that highlighted how to engage more people living with dementia in outdoor visitor experiences. This is framed in terms of Top Tips for supporting visits to outdoor sites by older people or people living with dementia. It also explains how to obtain further advice and information to support further action by individuals and organisations in this area.